11. Emotions, Temperament, and Attachment

Summary and Objectives

  • Explain key concepts such as social smiles, basic emotions, complex emotions, attachment, Rothbart’s dimensions, slow-to-warm up, difficult, secure, introversion and
  • Summarize the strange situation
  • Talk about why this matters by examining long-term effects of attachment.


12. Parental Relationships

Summary and Objectives

  • Explain key concepts such as styles of parenting, methods of parental control, observational learning, operant conditioning, reinforcement, punishment, divorce, and blended families.
  • Talk about why this matters by examining the importance of self-control.


13. Self-concept & morality

Summary and Objectives

  • Explain key concepts in the development of self, such as self-concept, self-awareness, imaginary audience, personal fable, illusion of invulnerability, and Marcia’s stages of identity formation.
  • Describe the development of morality according to Kohlberg.
  • Talk about why this matters by examining how to make sure children are pro-social and not aggressive.


14. Siblings, Peers & Groups

Summary and Objectives

  • Explain key concepts such as sibling rivalry, popularity, effects of peer pressure.
  • Summarize the results of the Asch conformity studies, and Robber’s Cave.
  • Talk about why this matters by examining the effects of bullying.


15. Media and Cultural Effects

Summary and Objectives

  • Discuss the merits of Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Theory.
  • Explain key concepts such as WEIRD science, the effects of media on IQ, aggression, and socialization.
  • Talk about why this matters by examining the power of media on self-esteem.
